Matter of Degrees

Expert Spotlight

Dr. Isabel Osterroth

Dr. Isabel Osterroth

GEA’s Add Better Consulting and implementation of GEA NEXUS solutions apply a comprehensive approach to optimizing plant performance and sustainability.   Pictured: A GEA refrigeration and heat pump plant.

GEA’s Add Better Consulting and implementation of GEA NEXUS solutions apply a comprehensive approach to optimizing plant performance and sustainability. Pictured: A GEA refrigeration and heat pump plant.

Image 1: Two brewhouse vessels installed by GEA - Source: HEINEKEN UK

Two brewhouse vessels installed by GEA. Source: Heineken UK.

Image 2: HEINEKEN UK’s Manchester brewery - Source: HEINEKEN UK

GEA worked with Heineken to provide sustainable engineering solutions at its Manchester, UK, brewery. Source: Heineken UK.

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