GEA solutions in the potato industry

French fries
AD series tunnel freezer
Refrigeration and heat pump plant
French fries bag
AD series tunnel freezer

GEA A-series

Our GEA A-series IQF tunnels can handle up to 30 tons per hour capacity

French fried video

GEA French Fries

GEA offers next to coating, freezing and packaging of French fries a comprehensive approach to master energy, water and carbon emissions. By connecting the process steps, we can ensure a more optimal usages of resources like water and energy.

نظام تحكم مؤتمت CALLIFREEZE®

GEA Callifreeze

CALLIFREEZE® is a unique new freezer control system that has been developed by GEA for use with the GEA range of freezers for the food industry.

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