Malt whisky producer uses GEA mash house equipment
Agitator Whiskymakare has excellent relationship with GEA

We liked the wet-conditioned milling system that the MILLSTAR® offered and together with the flexibility of the LAUTERSTAR®, we knew that this was the equipment for us.”– Oskar Bruno, Distillery Manager at Agitator Whiskymakare AB

– Oskar Bruno, Distillery Manager at Agitator Whiskymakare AB

Our relationship with GEA has been excellent; and it shows in the flavor of our whisky.”– Oskar Bruno, Distillery Manager at Agitator Whiskymakare AB

– Oskar Bruno, Distillery Manager at Agitator Whiskymakare AB


Efficient performance with the GEA MILLSTAR® milling system

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