Olivious olive oil shot
Olive oil

I should develop a tasty olive shot. A daily portion using authentic, extra virgin olive oil from Sardinia’s Blue zone, but with a different texture and available in delicious flavors that everyone can enjoy."- James Peterzon, founder, Olivious®

- James Peterzon, founder, Olivious®

GEA understands how to work with a startup"- James Peterzon, founder, Olivious®

- James Peterzon, founder, Olivious®

TriplexPanda Lab Homogenizer

We realized that GEA can fulfil all of our demands for processing equipment, and alongside the homogenizer, we are investing in a GEA vacuum processor, and are looking to acquire GEA filling equipment, as well"- James Peterzon, founder, Olivious®

- James Peterzon, founder, Olivious®

Olivious olive oil shot

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