Using disk stack centrifuges to overcome challenges of (heavy) crude oil processing

Crude Oil Webinar

The global decline of conventional (light) crude oil production means an increase of the role of non-conventional (heavy) crude oil reserves. Processing these heavy crudes presents a series of challenges, including increased water cuts and decreased API grades. Centrifuges can be used to overcome these process issues and also be used to convert off spec crude into a full value product.

We developed this educational session for design engineers, facility operators and managers at crude oil production sites (upstream/downstream), where centrifugal separation should be evaluated for its technical efficiencies and economy. By the end of the webinar, you will understand how your company can benefit from this technology. 

Here’s what we'll cover:

  • Overview of centrifuge types and applications
  • Design criteria and limitations
  • The three crude oil challenges
  • Why centrifuges can address these challenges
  • Design considerations


Henry Koester, Dipl. Ing. -- Product Manager Sales, GEA Germany


Andrew Rosina -- Market Manager, Separation – Oil & Gas and Energy, GEA North America

Join our webinar on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 2:00 – 3:00 pm EDT

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