Hygia 1962
Peter Hilge - the foundry owner of the Hilge pump company

Peter Hilge

The notebooks recording the pump inspection tests, together with other documents, exhibits and collections relating to pump technology, can be seen at the German Pump Museum maintained in Bodenheim by the Berdelle-Hilge Foundation since 1994.

The notebooks recording the pump inspection tests, together with other documents, exhibits and collections relating to pump technology, can be seen at the German Pump Museum maintained in Bodenheim by the Berdelle-Hilge Foundation since 1994.

“This means sustainability has actually been part and parcel of our work at GEA Hilge for many years.” – Martin Zickler, Product Manager, GEA Hilge

– Martin Zickler, Product Manager, GEA Hilge

The HYGIA single-stage centrifugal pump is designed for high standards of hygiene and flexibility. It bears the Latin name of Hygieia, the Greek goddess of health, cleanliness and hygiene. Today, HYGIA is the star of the GEA Hilge pump portfolio and also available as high-pressure version.

The HYGIA single-stage centrifugal pump is designed for high standards of hygiene and flexibility. It bears the Latin name of Hygieia, the Greek goddess of health, cleanliness and hygiene. Today, HYGIA is the star of the GEA Hilge pump portfolio and also available as high-pressure version.

The patented Adapta motor connection facilitates motor changes.

The patented Adapta motor connection facilitates motor changes.

The GEA Hilge HYGIA family offers premium quality and flexibility for different markets, applications and customer needs.

The GEA Hilge HYGIA family offers premium quality and flexibility for different markets, applications and customer needs.

“This is where we offer customers peace of mind with our durable, reliable and above all versatile pumps.” – Karsten Becker, Managing Director, GEA Hilge

– Karsten Becker, Managing Director, GEA Hilge

Sonnen brewery - HYGIA 1972

Just keeps on going and going...

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