Photo courtesy of KeyGene

Photo courtesy of KeyGene

Fortezza Flower Power prototype bicycle tire produced by Vredestein (Apollo Tyres) from rubber extracted using GEA milling and decanter technology. The tires are showing promising performance in tests, for example in grip, compared to traditional compounds.

Fortezza Flower Power prototype bicycle tire produced by Vredestein (Apollo Tyres) from rubber extracted using NETZSCH milling and GEA decanter technology. The tires are showing promising performance in tests, for example in grip, compared to traditional compounds.

Image courtesy of Library of Congress

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تواصل معنا

تلقَّ الأخبار من GEA

ابق على تواصل مع ابتكارات وقصص GEA من خلال الاشتراك في النشرات المقدمة من GEA.

تواصل معنا

نحن هنا لمساعدتك! مع تفاصيل قليلة فقط سوف نكون قادرين على الرد على استفساراتك.