Patented GEA Hilge Adapta bearing bracket design
GEA Hilge Adapta
OEMs also benefit from the universal design of the Adapta bearing bracket. All motors used worldwide can be easily adapted by the bearing bracket.
GEA Hilge Contra II Adapta tronic vertical
GEA Hilge HYGIA Adapta
GEA Hilge SIPLA Adapata NEMA


La bomba de alta presión de GEA en funcionamiento

GEA Hilge HYGIA H for greater benefits in the food processing industry

Empresa cervecera Bear Republic

GEA Hilge HYGIA pumps allow Bear Republic Brewery to focus on efficiency and stay competitive in a mature market

Bombas GEA Hilge CONTRA

GEA Hilge CONTRA product line at Vetter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH & Co KG

Our heart pumps for you

The heart of GEA Flow components

GEA Hilge Hygienic pumps

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