FLOW4YOU - Lisa Klaumünzer – Product Manager, Hygienic Valves

“GEA offers an overall concept”

Lisa Klaumünzer – Product Manager

Lisa Klaumünzer – Product Manager, Hygienic Valves

A GEA employee since: 2008

Her three most pronounced character traits: team-oriented, committed, and precise

Her advice for going with the flow: “Keep going and don’t stand still. Keep at it and then you will always develop further.”

Lisa, what do you enjoy the most about your job?

“Definitely the fact that I get to work with all kinds of different people again and again. It’s important to me that you don’t tackle everything on your own, but that everyone pulls together. You can achieve a whole lot more in this way. Four eyes see more than two and a dozen eyes see even more still. Communication is obviously important – not only internally in terms of the work at GEA Flow Components, but also in relation to the customers. This enables me to ensure that I always think of everything. And I really enjoy making progress on a project together with others.”

Communication is an important aspect for you. Is this something else that sets GEA Flow Components apart from other suppliers?

“Most definitely! The customers’ needs are our top priority. And without adequate communication, there’s no way of knowing what they need. Part of this is definitely really engaging with and, in particular, catering to the customers, being outside of your own comfort zone, and trying out new things to meet the customers’ wishes. And another thing that sets GEA apart is that it serves as a one-stop shop. This plays a major part in the company’s flexibility – and makes it very different from many other businesses. There’s no need to go to ten different retailers – you can get everything you are looking for from GEA.”

How would you explain to an outsider that FLOW4YOU is of interest to them, too?

“FLOW4YOU is definitely of interest to everyone! It is of relevance to us all. In particular, of course, to producers of beverages, food, pharmaceutical and medical products, cleaning agents and personal care products. But others benefit from its production flow, too, and our lives would be very different without it – namely not nearly as pleasant! And we as employees of GEA Flow Components play our part in making all our lives better by helping the producers to achieve an optimum production flow in the manufacture of these products. It’s important that FLOW4YOU shows that there are people behind the components who know their stuff and are passionate about what they do.”

FLOW4YOU - GEA Flow components

FLOW4YOU - Teamspirit

FLOW4YOU – Teamspirit! The people behind our hygienic valves, hygienic pumps, aseptic valves, and cleaners.
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