The Route to Zero Emission: reducing the environmental impact of baking ovens

The Route to Zero Emission: reducing the environmental impact of baking ovens

The ability to reduce pollutant emissions is a fundamental element nowadays, as carbon dioxide levels are on the rise while regulations are rightfully issued to counter them.

Food producers are strongly focusing on improving production processes in order to foster more environmental-friendly operations. In this webinar, we will analyze how GEA Bakery is taking part in this environmental change by supplying ovens that lean towards environmental sustainability and energy-saving.

During this webinar we will:

  • Learn about technical solutions to reduce CO2 emissions;
  • Analyze the four main pillars of energy-saving in ovens;
  • Compare traditional ovens with newer models;
  • Discover a new solution for a zero-emission bakery production line.


April 15th, 16:00 (CEST) / 10:00 (EDT)


20 minutes


  • Paolo Betto – Sales Area Manger, GEA Bakery
  • Leonardo Pasetto - Head of Installation & Commissioning, GEA Bakery

The Route to Zero Emission: reducing the environmental impact of baking ovens

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