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GEA announces figures for the first quarter 2018

04 May 2018

Thanks to robust growth in small and mid-sized orders, GEA’s order intake in the first quarter of 2018 almost matched the level of the previous year. Although no orders were posted with a volume in excess of EUR 15 million, order intake amounted to EUR 1,103 million. In the same period GEA increased its revenue to EUR 1,039 million. Organic growth, adjusted for exchange rate and acquisition effects, stood at 4.5 percent. While the Business Area Equipment even recorded double-digit organic growth, the figure for the Business Area Solutions remained at the previous year’s level. Operating EBITDA declined to almost EUR 67 million.

Q1 quarterly report

“As announced at the beginning of April with the preliminary figures for the first quarter, GEA is still operating in a challenging environment. As a result, we posted currency-related costs and disproportionate growth in revenue from our lower-margin product groups. Likewise, there was a weak result in the US and a lower gross margin especially in the Business Area Solutions,” stated Jürg Oleas, CEO of GEA, in his assessment of the quarterly results.

IFRS key figures1 of GEA

(EUR million)Q1 2018Q1 2017Change in %
Results of operations   
Order intake1,102.61,136.0–2.9
Order backlog2,401.02,388.90.5
Operating EBITDA266.696.4–31.0
as % of revenue6.49.6
Operating EBIT243.876.3–42.7
as % of revenue4.27.6
Net assets   
Working capital intensity in % (average of the last 12 months)15.615.4
Net liquidity (+)/Net debt (-)–162.9718.2
Financial position   
Operating cash flow driver margin in %39.18.0
ROCE in % (goodwill adjusted)413.616.5
Full-time equivalents (reporting date)18,07317,0356.1
GEA Shares   
Earnings per share (EUR)0.020.29–93.7

1) The key figures for the constant exchange rates are presented on page 5 of the quarterly statement.
2) Before effects of purchase price allocations and adjustments 
3) Operating cash flow driver = operating EBITDA – capital expenditure + adjustment of capital expenditure in strategic projects – change in working capital (average of the last 12 months)
4) Capital employed excluding goodwill from the acquisition of the former GEA AG by former Metallgesellschaft AG in 1999 (average of the last 12 months)

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

About GEA

GEA es uno de los mayores proveedores para la industria alimentaria y para muchos otros sectores de la industria. En 2019 generó unos ingresos consolidados de 4.900 millones de euros aproximadamente.

El grupo tecnológico internacional se especializa en maquinaria y plantas, además de tecnologías de procesos y componentes. GEA proporciona soluciones de energía sostenibles para procesos de producción sofisticados en distintos mercados de consumo, además de ofrecer una amplia gama de servicios. El grupo genera aproximadamente un 70 por ciento de sus ingresos del sector de alimentos y bebidas, un sector que disfruta de un crecimiento sostenible a largo plazo. A 31 de diciembre de 2018, la compañía contaba con unos 18.500 empleados en todo el mundo. GEA lidera el mercado y la tecnología en sus áreas de negocio. La compañía cotiza en el índice bursátil alemán MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), en el índice STOXX® Europe 600, y en los índices MSCI globales de sostenibilidad.
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