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GEA cooling and heating solution for poultry processing company 2 Sisters Storteboom in Komorniki

26 Aug 2020

GEA has supplied integrated cooling and heating systems for the new site of the poultry processing company 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V. in Komorniki, Poland.

Hemos entregado los sistemas integrados de refrigeración y calentamiento de la nueva planta de procesado avícola de 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V., en Komorniki, Polonia. (Foto: Compañía de procesado avícola 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V.)

Hemos entregado los sistemas integrados de refrigeración y calentamiento de la nueva planta de procesado avícola de 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V., en Komorniki, Polonia. (Foto: Compañía de procesado avícola 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V.)

2 Sisters Storteboom and GEA have been working closely together in the planning, configuration and installation of these systems. The aim is to significantly reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions, thus protecting the environment and saving costs. With this joint project, the two companies are continuing a partnership that began successfully in 2007 with the opening of the site in Kotowo, also in Poland.

Ingenious cooling system

Photo: Poultry processing company 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V.

Chicken products require low temperatures for optimum safety and quality, for example to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella. The cooling system now installed in Komorniki helps to maintain optimum conditions for processing and storage of chicken products: a temperature of zero to two degrees Celsius in the production rooms, around seven degrees Celsius in the auxiliary rooms and minus 40 degrees Celsius in the spiral freezer and blast freezer.

Ventilation and heating

Poorly maintained building ventilation can increase the spread of some bacteria and viruses. Therefore, a well-designed ventilation system in a chicken processing plant is of utmost importance. GEA has designed a ventilation system for the whole building, tailored to the specific requirements of the different rooms. In addition, GEA’s in-depth analysis of the heating process revealed that it could help 2 Sisters Storteboom to reduce fuel consumption and significantly increase energy efficiency through the installation of GEA heat pump technology. The system recovers waste heat from the cooling system to heat water to 55 degrees Celsius, which is then used to wash the plant.

Low energy consumption and carbon footprint

The integrated configuration of cooling, ventilation and heating systems is highly energy efficient and sustainable. Johan Nap, who is responsible for operations at 2 Sisters Storteboom in Poland, explains: "GEA's solutions fit very well with 2 Sisters Storteboom's commitment to environmental protection". The cooling system uses ammonia as a natural refrigerant, which has zero global warming potential. The compressors and main units are equipped with frequency inverters to ensure the highest efficiency of the whole installation. The heat recovery system replaces the gas-based boiler heating system, thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions. In addition, it saves around 60,000 euros per year compared to the standard boiler, providing a return of investment in only three years. User friendliness is achieved through the presence of one central control and monitoring system for the complete installation.

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