Press information

GEA takes strides towards eco-friendly manufacturing at its sites in India

June 19, 2024

GEA’s office and production site in Vadodara. Nearly 50% of the power needs is covered by solar energy. Source: GEA
GEA’s multi-purpose complex in Bengaluru specializes in manufacturing equipment for the Separation and Flow Technologies division and covers an area of 38,200 square meters. Source: GEA

GEA’s multi-purpose complex in Bengaluru specializes in manufacturing equipment for the Separation and Flow Technologies division and covers an area of 38,200 square meters. Source: GEA

GEA’s office and production site in Vadodara. Nearly 50% of the power needs is covered by solar energy. Source: GEA

GEA’s office and production site in Vadodara. Nearly 50% of the power needs is covered by solar energy. Source: GEA

Lilian Schmalenstroer


About GEA

GEA es uno de los mayores proveedores para la industria alimentaria y para muchos otros sectores de la industria. En 2019 generó unos ingresos consolidados de 4.900 millones de euros aproximadamente.

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