Food production waste
Pro-Enrich: Tackling global challenges together

Although we’re exploring specific side streams, our goal is develop a flexible biorefinery model that operates 12 months of the year, and that will allow others to follow suit, extracting valuable ingredients from the same or completely different crop residues.“– Dr. Anne Christine Hastrup, Pro-Enrich Project Coordinator, Danish Technological Institute

– Dr. Anne Christine Hastrup, Pro-Enrich Project Coordinator, Danish Technological Institute

Rapeseed Pro-Enrich

[Image courtesy of Kristina Wulff/Agro Business Park]

Technology obviously plays an integral role in this project. That said, engaging and networking with the project partners and other companies is critical, because it connects the very stakeholders required if we are to further the aims of the bioeconomy.“– Dominik Krienke, Specialist Process Technology Renewable Resources, GEA

– Dominik Krienke, Specialist Process Technology Renewable Resources, GEA

Although GEA was brought onboard specifically for their technical processing expertise, they’ve made important contributions at all stages of the project given their tremendous knowledge, experience and flexibility.“– Dr. Anne Christine Hastrup, Pro-Enrich Project Coordinator, Danish Technological Institute

– Dr. Anne Christine Hastrup, Pro-Enrich Project Coordinator, Danish Technological Institute

Vegetable protein manufacturing

Pro-Enrich has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No 792050.

Vegetable protein manufacturing

GEA solutions for optimal vegetable protein manufacturing

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