Communiqué pour la presse professionnelle

Shoulder to shoulder with the fruit rescuers

05 Jul 2022

The RSCUED team from Sweden

The RSCUED team from Sweden saves tons of fruits and vegetables from spoiling every day by turning them into high-quality juices, chips, and fertilizers. (Image: RSCUED)

RSCUED juices

RSCUED juices are becoming increasingly popular with customers. (Image: RSCUED)

GEA vaculiq 100 vacuum spiral filter with GEA MultiCrush milling system

The GEA vaculiq 100 vacuum spiral filter (left) and the GEA MultiCrush milling system are pre-assembled on movable skids and can be used flexibly. (Image: GEA)

Truls Christenson, co-founder of RSCUED

Truls Christenson, Co-founder of RSCUED (Image: RSCUED)


Lilian Schmalenstroer

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

À propos de GEA

GEA est un des principaux fournisseurs de l'industrie agroalimentaire et d'autres industries, qui sont à l’origine d’un revenu consolidé qui a atteint près de 4,9 Mrd EUR en 2019.

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