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GEA inaugurates technology center for alternative protein industry

13 Jun 2023

GEA inaugurates the New Food Application and Technology Center of Excellence (ATC) in Hildesheim, Germany, as a central hub for piloting processes and products for the alternative protein industry. The shift to plant-based foods, cultivated meat and products such as microbially produced dairy proteins promises to feed future generations in a climate-friendly way. At the new technology center, GEA’s new food experts will be using a cell cultivation and fermentation pilot line to fast-track innovations from the lab to commercial-scale manufacturing.

Figure 1: (from left to right) Dr. Matthias Hobbie, Head of Research and Development New Food (GEA), Dr. Ingo Meyer, Lord Mayor of Hildesheim, Tatjana Krampitz, Head of Technology Management New Food (GEA) and Heinz Jürgen Kroner, SVP New Food (GEA) ceremoniously opened the new technology center for a more sustainable food industry. Image: GEA/Mike Henning

(from left to right) Dr. Matthias Hobbie, Head of Research and Development New Food (GEA), Dr. Ingo Meyer, Lord Mayor of Hildesheim, Tatjana Krampitz, Head of Technology Management New Food (GEA) and Heinz Jürgen Kroner, SVP New Food (GEA) ceremoniously opened the new technology center for a more sustainable food industry. Image: GEA/Mike Henning

  • The GEA New Food Application and Technology Center of Excellence (ATC) in Hildesheim, Germany, houses a pilot plant for the production of sustainable alternatives to meat, milk, seafood and eggs through microbial fermentation and cell cultivation.
  • At the center, GEA customers will be enabled to prepare processes and products for commercial production.
  • The ATC complements other GEA new food centers of excellence, including for bioreactors (Hildesheim, Germany, and Skanderborg, Denmark) and cell separation (Oelde, Germany).
Figure 2: The new technology center will be used to evaluate processes for the production of new food on a transferable pilot scale as well as to test production using cell cultures and microbial fermentation in conjunction with upstream and downstream process steps. Image: GEA/Mike Henning

The new technology center will be used to evaluate processes for the production of new food on a transferable pilot scale as well as to test production using cell cultures and microbial fermentation in conjunction with upstream and downstream process steps. Image: GEA/Mike Henning

Technology to ensure the commercial feasibility of new food products

The new testing platform at the ATC bridges the gap between the test bench and industrial-scale production without customers having to invest in large-scale plant from the outset.

“Establishing and scaling up a new food production facility is a major task,” said Heinz Jürgen Kroner, Senior Vice President New Food at GEA. “In many cases, new food producers are still stuck at the lab scale – with the hygiene, aseptic and process requirements that involves. On the other hand, industrial-scale manufacturing presents much greater technical and financial challenges. At the ATC, our process experts explore the potential for mass production in order to make this step manageable for food manufacturers. Ultimately, GEA and our customers want to work together on the development of safe, affordable New Food products for consumers.”

Rethinking meat and dairy products

With cell-based meat alternatives now making their way onto restaurant tables, the research focus is turning to precision fermentation for milk proteins. One of GEA’s first customers in this field is Imagindairy, a scale-up from Israel. Speaking at the opening event, the company’s CEO Eyal Afergan said: “We want to make dairy products without harming the planet. To make that happen, we harness the ancient art of fermentation and combine it with science. This lets us create milk proteins with the taste, functionality, mouthfeel and nutritional value that we love about milk. Together with GEA, we can pave the way to bringing this innovation faster to the market, with the highest possible quality standards.”

Alternatively sourced proteins can help reduce the environmental impact of our food system and help feed the world’s growing population. The shift to new food is going hand in hand with the development of regenerative agriculture.

Figure 3: New food customer Imagindairy, Israel, creates milk proteins with the taste, functionality, mouthfeel and nutritional value of milk via precision fermentation in GEA’s new technology center. Image: Panna Cotta, Imagindairy/ Ilya Melinkov

New food customer Imagindairy, Israel, creates milk proteins with the taste, functionality, mouthfeel and nutritional value of milk via precision fermentation in GEA’s new technology center. Image: Panna Cotta, Imagindairy/ Ilya Melinkov

New food: growth driver for GEA and the food industry

GEA’s new food activities unite the company’s sustainability agenda with the innovative capacity of one of the food industry’s leading technology providers. That’s why new food has been identified as one of the growth drivers in the GEA Mission 26 strategy. A dedicated New Food business unit has been furthering the development of cell-based protein synthesis since 2022.

Figure 4: Presenting ideas on new food during our press conference inaugurating the GEA New Food Application and Technology Center of Excellence, Hildesheim (Germany): Dr. Eyal Afergan, Cofounder and CEO Imagindairy, Dr. Matthias Hobbie, Head of Research and Development New Food GEA, Heinz Jürgen Kroner, SVP New Food GEA, Tatjana Krampitz, Head of Technology Management New Food GEA and Dr. Ingo Meyer, Mayor City of Hildesheim. Image: GEA/Mike Henning

Presenting ideas on new food during our press conference inaugurating the GEA New Food Application and Technology Center of Excellence, Hildesheim (Germany): Dr. Eyal Afergan, Cofounder and CEO Imagindairy, Dr. Matthias Hobbie, Head of Research and Development New Food GEA, Heinz Jürgen Kroner, SVP New Food GEA, Tatjana Krampitz, Head of Technology Management New Food GEA and Dr. Ingo Meyer, Mayor City of Hildesheim. Image: GEA/Mike Henning


Fanny Förster

Phone: 49 211 9136 1504

À propos de GEA

GEA est un des principaux fournisseurs de l'industrie agroalimentaire et d'autres industries, qui sont à l’origine d’un revenu consolidé qui a atteint près de 4,9 Mrd EUR en 2019.

C’est un groupe international spécialisé dans les machines et les installations, ainsi que dans les technologies de procédés et composants. GEA fournit des solutions énergétiques durables, utilisées dans des process de production de pointe pour divers marchés, et offre une gamme complète de services. Le groupe réalise près de 70 % de son revenu dans l'industrie alimentaire et des boissons, un secteur caractérisé par une croissance durable de long terme. Au 31 décembre 2018, la société employait plus de 18 500 personnes dans le monde. GEA est un leader du marché et des technologies dans ses secteurs d'activité. La société est cotée sur l'indice boursier allemand MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), sur l'indice STOXX® Europe 600 et sur des indices de durabilité globale MSCI sélectionnés.
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