Enrobeuse ConsiGma
Color Difference

Figure 1: Color Difference from Reference Target at 1%, 2% and 3% Theoretical WG (Case study with Opadry QX (Colorcon) – ref. 6)

Table shapes example
Table shapes example

Figure 2: Examples of tablet shapes successfully coated with the GEA Tablet coater

Dissolution profile of 325 mg aspirin tablets

Figure 3: Dissolution profile of 325 mg aspirin tablets at 5%, 6%, 8% and 10% Enteric coating using Acryl-EZE ® from Colorcon (ref 10)

SEM images of a coated core using a traditional and GEA coater

Figure 4: SEM images of a coated core using a traditional and GEA coater; data generated in collaboration with Colorcon Inc. using Acryl-EZE® as the coating material

GEA Technology


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