Agricultural biomass

Recycling Rather Than Disposal: Efficient Technologies for the Treatment of Agricultural Biomass

Agricultural biomass
Both residues from the fermentation of biomass and slurry from livestock farming are considered to be valuable fertilizers in modern agriculture. For spreading on agricultural land in a way that is not detrimental to the soil and in accordance with the strict legal requirements, the organic substances and associated excess nutrients must be processed appropriately. GEA provides the market with customer-friendly and demand-based processing concepts, which contribute to the sustainable reduction of environmental pollution.
Using decanters to produce high-quality fertilizers from fermentation residues

For the efficient processing of fermentation residues, our high-performance GEA decanters reliably separate solid particles, dewater them into a pourable dry consistency, and guarantee a high content of up to 30% dry substance in the solids. Compared with other technologies, there is no risk of blockage with centrifugal technology and the separation of solids is more efficient. Our customers benefit from lower transport and spreading costs, as the high separation efficiency of our decanters ensures a high proportion of organic content in the solids that are spread. Moreover, for lower fresh water consumption, the clear centrate water can be fed back into the fermentation process.

Reducing phosphate and nitrogen content with decanters

GEA decanters are also designed for processing raw slurry and offer users a range of advantages. They can be used to reduce phosphate and nitrogen content efficiently, for example from liquid pig slurry, by separating up to 75% of the phosphate compounds and up to 35% of the nitrogen compounds with the solids. The pourable solids can be composted and used as high-grade fertilizers. The liquid phase is transported to a silo for storage or spread on agricultural land.

mobile manure separation
Energy-efficient evaporation technology for economical concentration of raw slurry

Concentrating slurry in an evaporation plant has also been proven as effective to counter the surplus of slurry, particularly in cattle-strong rearing farms. In this process, the slurry is concentrated up to 30% dry substance in an evaporation plant then completely dried in a dryer. Both the evaporation plant and the dryer can be operated here entirely with the aid of waste heat, which is often available.


  • Sustainable solutions for processing raw slurry and fermentation residues
  • Decanter or evaporation plant – appropriate process technology for every customer
  • Production of high-grade fertilizers for environmentally friendly spreading that is compliant with the strictest legal requirements
  • Reduction of transport and spreading costs
  • High content of dry substance in the solids that are spread
  • Lower energy costs for the evaporation plant and dryer due to the use of waste heat

GEA further supplies equipment like jet and vacuum pumps for conveying liquids such as biological sludge or manure and solids such as sand and gravel.


9 の 4 を表示する



GEA environmental Decanter pro

Mobile Decanter Systems

Nueva planta móvil GEA de tratamiento de purines - Cooperativa Pirenaica



健康で幸せな乳牛は、持続可能な生乳生産を成功させる鍵です。したがって、乳牛を健康に保つことは、すべての酪農家の取り組みの中心にあります。個々の乳牛のニーズに合わせた適切な給餌、良好な飼育環境、新鮮な空気、水、光など、多くの要因が乳牛の健康に影響を与えます。しかし同時に、搾乳方法は乳牛の健康状態に大きな影響を与えます。GEAは「Good Cow Milking」の理念でよく知られており、家畜の健康と乳質においてより良い結果を出すために、常にさら...




コーヒー、カカオ、牛乳、肉、魚、卵。こういった毎日の定番ともいえる食材は、集約農業に大きく依存しています。ニューフード技術の台頭に伴い、これまで以上に持続可能な代替食品を使用できるようになりました。そこで今回は、GEA で液体・発酵・充填担当上級副社長を務めるライマー・グッテ博士と対談し、その可能性と政策について探ってみました。



