

Drinking water is obtained from either groundwater or surface water. The use of surface water is increasing due to population growth and environmental pollution. In EU countries, 64 percent of drinking water is already obtained from surface water. GEA's centrifugal separation technology plays a central role in this process.

boy playing at water spring
Unlocking nature's refreshment
Surface water, such as lakes, rivers, and reservoirs, can be a valuable source of freshwater for communities. However, before it is safe for consumption, surface water must undergo a rigorous purification process to remove impurities and contaminants.

The purification process begins with the removal of humus, minerals, organic impurities, chemical residues, viruses, and bacteria from the surface water. Various chemical processes are employed initially to break down and neutralize contaminants.
Optimum clarification efficiency, maximum possible solids dewatering
Clarifying decanters then take over the task of dewatering the sludge produced during sedimentation. Due to their high bowl speed and high scroll torque, combined with differential speed control in response to solids loading, clarifying decanters achieve optimum clarification efficiency and maximum solids dewatering.
Environmental responsibility
In addition to providing safe drinking water, our approach to gaining drinking water from surface water prioritizes environmental responsibility. By using efficient purification methods, we minimize the impact on natural ecosystems while ensuring sustainable access to freshwater resources for current and future generations.

Moreover, GEA provides a range of equipment including jet and vacuum pumps designed for conveying liquids such as water, acids, or lyes, as well as solids like sand, gravel, salt, activated carbon, and ion exchange resin in water treatment facilities.

Efficient protection for humans and nature

In this way, the volume of sewage sludge to be disposed of is reduced and as much water as possible is recovered for drinking water supply. The closed design together with the likewise closed installation prevents the emission of aerosols so that humans and nature are protected in equal measure.

Additionally GEA supplies equipment such as jet and vacuum pumps for conveying liquids such as water, acids or lyes or solids such as sand, gravel, salt, activated carbon, ion exchange resin in water works.



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GEA Service:世界の生産ラインを支える生命線

世界の4分の1のスパゲッティのパッケージ、2分の1のビール、そして4分の1の加工乳がGEAの機械に依存しています。生産ラインに問題が発生した場合、GEA Serviceが問題の解決や、その未然防止にあたります。機械やプロセスに関する知識をデジタルツールやソリューションと組み合わせることで、GEAはお客様の生産性をさらに高め、より持続可能な生産を支援します。





