
New members elected to GEA Supervisory Board

30 Apr 2021

With effect from the end of GEA Group AG’s Annual General Meeting today, there are six personnel changes on the company’s twelve-strong Supervisory Board. The new Supervisory Board held its inaugural meeting immediately after the AGM. At this meeting, former Siemens AG Managing Board member Klaus Helmrich was elected as its new Chairman. The six changes concern three roles on the shareholder side and three on the employee side. Comprising six women and six men, the Board continues to have equal gender representation.

New supervisory board members

“On behalf of the Executive Board and the employees of GEA, I would like to thank the departing Supervisory Board members for their many years of service and great dedication to the Group. They are part of the reason why GEA is currently so well positioned despite the challenging economic environment,” said Stefan Klebert, CEO of GEA Group AG. “At the same time, I am pleased to welcome our new members, who join the Supervisory Board with a wealth of expertise, and I look forward to our successful cooperation.”

At today’s AGM, the shareholder representatives on the Supervisory Board were newly elected for a four-year term. Professor Annette G. Köhler, Dr. Molly P. Zhang and Colin Hall were re-elected. In addition, Holly Lei, Klaus Helmrich and Professor Jürgen Fleischer were appointed as new Supervisory Board members. These new members replace Dr. Helmut Perlet, Jean E. Spence and Ahmad M.A. Bastaki, who served on GEA’s Supervisory Board for many years and did not stand for re-election.

By resolution of the Düsseldorf Local Court, the serving Supervisory Board members Brigitte Krönchen and Michael Kämpfert as well as two new members, Claudia Claas and Roger Falk, were appointed as employee representatives on the Supervisory Board. Dr. Cara Röhner and existing member Rainer Gröbel – who represent German trade union IG Metall – were also appointed by the court.

Klaus Helmrich, GEA Group AG’s newly elected Supervisory Board Chairman, said: “I look forward to helping steer GEA’s continued success as part of the newly constituted Supervisory Board and to build on the excellent work done by the outgoing members.”

The personnel changes also affect the Presiding Committee and other Supervisory Board committees. Details of the new composition of these committees can be found online at gea.com.

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GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

GEA の概要

GEA は、世界レベルの食品製造プロセス技術を有するとともに、乳業、飲料、パーソナル・ホームケア、化学など食品以外の幅広い分野にも実績があり、2019年度の連結売上高は約49億ユーロとなりました。

最先端のプロセスソリューションと洗練されたプロセス機器を世界中のお客様に提供している国際企業です。 GEA は、お客様が抱える課題やニーズに対して、経験・実績に基づいた最適なソリューションを提供致します。。当グループでは、長期的に成長している食品と飲料分野が売上の約70%を占めています。2018年12月31日の時点で、GEAの総従業員数は約18,500人です。GEA は自社のビジネスエリアにおいて市場とテクノロジーのリーダーとなっています。当社は、ドイツ株価指数の MDAX主要銘柄に採用されています。


