Trade press release

Generating heat from wastewater with GEA technology and shaping the heat transition of the city of Lemgo

February 14, 2024

The district heating center (top, center) is part of a larger green energy network that generates heat from a wastewater treatment plant in Lemgo, Germany. (Photo: GEA/Tim Luhmann)
This district heating plant in Lemgo, Germany, provides a more environmentally friendly heat supply for the historic town. (Photo: GEA/Tim Luhmann)

This district heating plant in Lemgo, Germany, provides a more environmentally friendly heat supply for the historic town. (Photo: GEA/Tim Luhmann)

The machine room with GEA heat pumps in the combined heat and power plant in Lemgo, Germany. (Photo: GEA/Tim Luhmann)

The machine room with GEA heat pumps in the combined heat and power plant in Lemgo, Germany. (Photo: GEA/Tim Luhmann)

Thomas Lergenmüller (left), Product Manager Heat Pumps, GEA Heating and Refrigeration Technologies, and Uwe Weber (right), Head of Power and Heat Generation, Stadtwerke Lemgo GmbH. (Photo: GRA/Tim Luhmann)

Thomas Lergenmüller (left), Product Manager Heat Pumps, GEA Heating and Refrigeration Technologies, and Uwe Weber (right), Head of Power and Heat Generation, Stadtwerke Lemgo GmbH. (Photo: GRA/Tim Luhmann)

Dr. Michael Golek



GEA の概要

GEA は、世界レベルの食品製造プロセス技術を有するとともに、乳業、飲料、パーソナル・ホームケア、化学など食品以外の幅広い分野にも実績があり、2019年度の連結売上高は約49億ユーロとなりました。



