Evacuates fully agitated manure up to the main storage through underground line. The Electromix system can also feed a digester or a roller press system for manure separation. Performance varies according to installation, manure consistency, quantity and type of bedding. Liquid drawn from storage or grey water addition required.
Straw bedding up to 40 lb per milking cow per day.
PVC Evacuation Requirements:
line of 6” (152 mm) diameter for an evacuation distance up to 200 feet (61 m).
Over 200 feet (61 m) an evacuation line of 8” (203 mm) is required.
Field proven for over 35 years to evacuate dairy manure.
To evacuate free stall manure containing limited amount of bedding.
The Electromix Agitator is the perfect agitation device to homogenize manure from your reception pit. It mixes the solids with liquid in order to maximize pumping. Match your pit depth with a choice of eight agitator lengths or with the double propeller agitator if you have an even deeper pit.
Accessories and options to build underground evacuation lines, to secure and preserve them from premature wear.
Healthy and happy cows are the key to successful and sustainable milk production. Keeping their cows healthy, therefore, is at the heart of every dairy farmer’s effort. Many factors influence the well-being of a cow, such as...
コーヒー、カカオ、牛乳、肉、魚、卵。こういった毎日の定番ともいえる食材は、集約農業に大きく依存しています。ニューフード技術の台頭に伴い、これまで以上に持続可能な代替食品を使用できるようになりました。そこで今回は、GEA で液体・発酵・充填担当上級副社長を務めるライマー・グッテ博士と対談し、その可能性と政策について探ってみました。