Product Recovery Systems


An aseptic pigging system allows to recover cost intensive products out of product lines. Powered by compressed sterile air, the pig pushes the product out of the pipe. The remaining product film on the inside of the product line can then be removed with the CIP. This technology significantly reduces the strain on the waste water and lowers cleaning costs, for example water and detergents costs.

Aseptic Pigging System

The shafts for the pig holder and the pig actuator are hermetically sealed with welded metal bellows. The connection of the body and the pig actuator is done with a service friendly 3-part massiv clamp. The body is made of stainless steel 1.4435 (AISI316L) and is ground inside and polished outside. The connections are normally welding connections according to DlN 11850, on request they can be imperial or ISO welding connections, dairy screw connections, clamp connections or aseptic flanges according to DIN 11864-2. Parts in contact with the product are completely made out of 1.4435 (AISI316L) with silicon seals between the inside and the outside. The pigging system can be delivered in sizes DN40 to DN100.

  • Pigging stations are fully integrated into the product line
  • Recovery by emptying the pipeline with the pig
  • Lower cleaning costs
  • Lower wastewater load
  • Easy to maintain
  • Sterilization up to 140°C


水は貴重な有価物で限られた資源です。干ばつ期や水利権を巡る論争が激化する気候変動の時代に、この事実はますます明確になっています。工業企業の淡水消費量は常に監視されています。従来からの方法である製品輸送パイプラインの ピグは、パイプ洗浄中の持続可能な節水と液体処理プロセスでの製品ロスの最小化を可能にします。このように、工業企業は「グリーンな」製造方法を一貫して実現することができます。





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In for the better: Community engagement at GEA

To support community engagement, GEA offers employees one day of paid time off per year.





