

GEA アカデミーへようこそ。こちらでは持続可能な成功に役立つ知識を学ぶことができます。ユーザー指向のトレーニングプログラムを通じてお客様の技術スタッフにさまざまなノウハウを習得させ、潜在能力を最大限に引き出すお手伝いをします。

GEA では、効果を最大限に高めながら保守コストを削減し、安全な作業環境も確保するためには専門知識が重要であることを理解しています。

そのため当社では、従業員のスキルと知識を高めることで、GEA の機器ならびにソリューション全体のポテンシャルを最大限に引き出すことを目指しています。私たちと一緒にプラントの可用性を最大限に高め、効率を向上し、優れた製品品質を実現しましょう。

GEA アカデミーの特徴は、その実証済みの学習アプローチです。当社では、事実に基づいた理論的知識と機械での実践的な実地トレーニングを組み合わせたコンセプトを採用しています。経験豊富なトレーナーの指導により、パフォーマンス向上にすぐに役立つ貴重な見識とスキルを得ることができます。

GEA Academy training


従業員の知識を持続的に高めて知見を深めるために GEA アカデミーを選択する理由:






GEA アカデミーのトレーニングに投資することで、お客様の従業員の知識と能力が飛躍的に向上します。トップクラスのトレーニングを受けた専門スタッフとして、お客様の組織で持続可能な成功を実現し、競争で一歩先を進むために必要な人材となります。




私たちは利便性の重要性を理解しています。お客様はオンサイトトレーニングや GEA アカデミーへの参加のオプションをお選び頂けます。さらに、オンライントレーニングやハイブリッドトレーニングのオプションでは柔軟性とアクセス性を提供し、どの場所からも学習の機会が得られるようになっています。
成果がすぐに明確に分かるトレーニングをお探しであれば、GEA アカデミーをお選びください。



Training catalog

表示 10 of 89

GEA ConsiGma-CGL Training

On Request

This training will allow R&D scientists and technicians to gain knowledge about the evolutionary, high performance tablet coating technology that gently and accurately deposits controlled amounts of coating materials on tablets - even if they are extremely hygroscopic or friable.

GEA MegaSlicer - Operation, troubleshooting, cleaning

On Request

You will acquire a sound basis for your daily work as you will be able after the course to operate the system on your own. You will also learn details of the control panel and how to avoid malfunctions by correctly adjusting the machine. For this purpose, you will be doing the settings on the training machine and learn how to
optimize it further under the guidance of a professional trainer.

Zentrifugen & Trenntechnik - Zentrifugalseparatoren - Kurs "Bedienpersonal und Eingewiesene Fachkraft"

On Request

Maschinen und Anlagen arbeiten zuverlässig, wenn sie richtig bedient und gewartet werden. Diese Schulung vermittelt Ihnen die Fähigkeiten, Routinewartungsarbeiten sicher und effizient durchführen zu können. Sie lernen nicht nur die Funktionsweise und die Konstruktionsmerkmale der Zentrifuge kennen, sondern auch Details über die Bedienung. Praktische Übungen stellen zudem sicher, dass Sie die Maschine richtig einstellen können - die Grundlage für einen störungsfreien Betrieb der Zentrifuge und unterbrechungsfreie Produktion.

Centrifuges & Separation Equipment - Decanter Centrifuges – Course “Operating Staff and Skilled Worker”

On Request

Machines and systems work reliably when they are operated and maintained correctly. This training will provide you with the skills to perform routine maintenance safely and efficiently. You will not only learn how the centrifuge works and its design features, but also details about its operation. Practical exercises also ensure that you can set up the machine correctly - the basis for trouble-free operation of the centrifuge and uninterrupted production.

GEA MegaSlicer - Technical training, troubleshooting, cleaning

On Request

This training provides you with the basic skills to perform maintenance and repair work safely and efficiently. You will learn the correct use of special tools during disassembling and assembling the machine as well as when replacing wear parts. The carefully designed training materials are an ideal basis for the detection and elimination of potential malfunctions occurring during operation. Practicing on the training machine will give you the opportunity to hone your skills under the guidance of a professional trainer.

GEA PowerPak - Technical training, troubleshooting, cleaning

On Request

This training provides you with the basic skills to perform maintenance and repair work safely and efficiently. You will learn the correct use of special tools during disassembling and assembling the machine as well as when replacing wear parts. The carefully designed training materials are an ideal basis for the detection
and elimination of potential malfunctions occurring during operation. Practicing on the training machine will give you the opportunity to hone your skills under the guidance of a professional trainer.

GEA SmartPacker HS - Technical training, troubleshooting, cleaning

On Request

This training provides you with the basic skills to perform maintenance and repair work safely and efficiently. You will not only learn how the machine works, its design features but also details of the control panel. Moreover, practical exercises will ensure that you will be able to set up the system properly – the basis for a trouble-free operation of the machine and to keep the production running without interruptions!

GEA SmartPacker PTC - Technical training, troubleshooting, cleaning

On Request

This training provides you with the basic skills to perform maintenance and repair work safely and efficiently. You will not only learn how the machine works, its design features but also details of the control panel. Moreover, practical exercises will ensure that you will be able to set up the system properly – the basis for a trouble-free operation of the machine and to keep the production running without interruptions.

GEA UniSlicer - Technical training, operation, troubleshooting, cleaning

On Request

This training provides you with the basic skills to perform maintenance and repair work safely and efficiently. You will not only learn how the machine works, its design features but also details of the control panel. Moreover, practical exercises will ensure that you will be able to set up the system properly – the basis for a trouble-free operation of the machine and to keep the production running without interruptions.

GEA TiroLabel PLUS - Technical training, operation, troubleshooting

On Request

This training provides you with the basic skills to perform maintenance and repair work safely and efficiently. You will not only learn how the machine works, its design features but also details of the control panel. Moreover, practical exercises will ensure that you will be able to set up the system properly – the basis for a trouble-free operation of the machine and to keep the production running without interruptions.

GEA Service - For your continued success


GEA サービス - お客様の継続的な成功をサポート



