Sustainable Pasta Packaging: trends and technological solutions

Sustainable Pasta Packaging: trends and technological solutions

The pasta market and the food industry need quick and concrete solutions to provide products that have a reduced environmental impact to meet market demands and satisfy final consumers. The need for new systems and technologies that allow to reduce environmental footprint is a trend that is playing an important role in decision making, both for producers and consumers. Using an environment friendly packaging can reduce single-use plastic waste and it is considered a fundamental step for the food industry.

During this webinar we will:

  • define the essential characteristics of sustainable packaging
  • find out which are the alternative films to plastic ones
  • present GEA’s technological innovations in packaging market
  • present a new packaging machine born and designed for paper packaging


  • Matteo Piroddi -  Sales Area Manager – GEA Stiavelli - GEA Group 
  • Filippo Biasia - Sales Director - Lineapack

Join our webinar on November 10th, 16:30to 17:00 CEST

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