BILD hilft e.V. "Ein Herz für Kinder" charity gala

GEA supports "Ein Herz für Kinder" again with EUR 300,000 donation

December 8, 2024

In the run-up to the charity gala, reporter Toni paid a visit to Henning Lefert's dairy farm in Ahaus, Germany, for the symbolic handing over GEA’s 300,000 euro check to BILD hilft e.V. "Ein Herz für Kinder." Here she was able to see how milk is produced with the help of state-of-the-art GEA technology, like robotic milking machines. Source: GEA

In the run-up to the charity gala, reporter Toni paid a visit to Henning Lefert's dairy farm in Ahaus, Germany, for the symbolic handing over GEA’s 300,000 euro check to BILD hilft e.V. "Ein Herz für Kinder." Here she was able to see how milk is produced with the help of state-of-the-art GEA technology, like robotic milking machines. Source: GEA

Lilian Schmalenstroer


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