Milking parlors that support your daily routine

GEA DairyParlor P7000

DairyParlor P7000

A milking parlor from GEA’s DairyParlor line can be perfectly adapted to the milking routine at your dairy farm. Do you need economical, basic milking equipment or high-tech automatization, continuous exchange with the herd management system? No matter whether you have a barn or pasture-based system with a small or large herd, every GEA milking system allows for efficient milking processes, high throughput and productive yields. Animal-friendly stall design, optimal cow positioning and a fast as well as gentle milking process have a positive effect on udder health. So, it almost becomes secondary whether you choose milking from a GEA herringbone milking parlor or a parallel milking parlor (side-by-side).

Let GEA support you. Your individual solution will be optimally tuned to the available man power, the size of your dairy farm and the planned budget!

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GEA Insights

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