Services voor veebedrijven

Farm services ‒ Best milk and productivity, every day

With our strong, global dealer network and certified service partners we provide comprehensive servicing for your milking parlor, large or small, from installation and throughout its entire life cycle. Our servicing programs make sure that your cows are healthy and happy, and that your milking operation is safe, efficient and productive.

GEA service for milking parlors covers all aspects of the milk production including: optimal cow milking, milk quality, animal hygiene and care, and account management. Our services expand to meet your changing needs, as follows:

Services voor veebedrijven ‒ Beste melk en productiviteit, iedere dag opnieuw

Beginning of life services

Includes: installation and initial operator training; adjustment of equipment to meet specific farm conditions; washing set up; plus the supply of animal health and consumable products.

Lifetime services

Includes: spare parts combined with corrective and preventive maintenance programs; evaluation of milking procedures with relevant training; routine washing operations and troubleshooting of washing problems; scheduled delivery of materials; consumption monitoring.

Extended life services

Includes: upgrades, modernization, predictive maintenance; monitoring of milking operations and recommendation of equipment upgrades; milk quality and animal health monitoring; cost control.

Consulting and enhanced operations

Includes: performance contracts and on-site project support; establishing and monitoring KPIs for milk quality and optimization, equipment reliability, animal hygiene, etc.

Waarmee kunnen wij u helpen?

GEA Service ‒ Voor uw blijvende succes


GEA Service – Voor blijvend succes

Wij werken zij aan zij met onze klanten in nauwe partnerships. We ondersteunen ze gedurende de hele levensduur van hun installatie en apparatuur, om blijvend zakelijk succes te verzekeren.
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