Maïté Bauduin, Sales Engineer Flow Components & Homogenizers GEA Belgium
“I love working with high-quality, long-lasting equipment. Some manufacturers change models every ten years, forcing customers to replace everything. GEA takes a different approach: hygienic pumps and valves installed in the 1970s that still do a perfect job are no exception. For me, that’s true sustainability. And that also aligns with my philosophy. I hate the throwaway culture. In my personal life, I buy second-hand, refurbish things, and avoid waste – I fix my car and motorbike myself.”
“I left school at 18. My first experience with pumps was in a spare parts department. I learned by doing: assembling pumps, handling maintenance contracts, and solving technical issues. When I joined GEA, I even disassembled a homogenizer in my first week! I’ve always learned best by getting my hands dirty.”
“It’s still a men’s world. Until recently, I was the only woman in sales for GEA Belgium, even in the Benelux. When I started visiting customers, they would test me with tricky questions, just to see if I really knew my stuff. I had to prove myself over and over again. But I turned it into a strength – customers appreciate that I truly understand the products and can guide them to the best solutions.”
“Finding the perfect solution. Our valves, for instance, aren’t just off-the-shelf products. They’re modular, like Lego. I love showing customers that they don’t need to replace everything; they can just add or modify components to fit their needs. Many are surprised when I tell them about options they didn’t know existed. The best part of my job is helping customers make informed, sustainable choices.”
“You don’t need an engineering degree to succeed. You need curiosity, a willingness to learn, and the confidence to prove yourself. If you love solving problems and working with quality products, the GEA Flow Components will be a real fit.”