FLOW4YOU - Simon Anderson – Director of Design Validation and QA – Flow Components – BU Valves & Pumps

“It feels good to be doing something that benefits the public at large”

Simon Anderson – Director of Design Validation and QA – Flow Components – BU Valves & Pumps

Simon Anderson – Director of Design Validation and QA – Flow Components – BU Valves & Pumps

A GEA employee since: 2008

His three most pronounced character traits: creative, polite, and honest

His advice for going with the flow: “It’s important that you take your work seriously, but that you also enjoy it. You have to make sure you strike the right balance.”

Simon, what do you enjoy the most about your job?

“There are so many things! But if I had to decide, I’d have to say the collaboration with my coworkers – we’re a great team – and solving problems together. I think that’s very important. Sometimes, the solution to a complex problem is simple. But more often than not, it simply isn’t. And the more complex the problems, the more important it is to be able to spread the load across many shoulders. And this is what sets GEA Flow Components apart – the fact that it sets great store by teamwork. Something else I find especially positive is how the company attaches such importance to safety – the safety of the customers’ products and staff as well as of its own employees. And this safety aspect is obviously something that me and my team pay particular attention to.”

Was this team aspect one of the things that prompted you to choose your career?

“(Laughs) No, that’s not something I thought about in my youth. I only realized the importance of collaboration when I got into the practical side of things. What prompted me to do what I do? For a long time, I didn’t know what to do after school. But what I did know was that I needed something that would continue to change. And then I soon realized that technology was the thing for me! There are innovations all the time in this field. And this diversity is important to me. What I do involves a great deal of diversity. I am constantly looking at the very latest things. And I can contribute my own ideas here, too. In addition, I can play a part in making things better. I also simply love testing things and tinkering.”

There’s no denying your enthusiasm for your job. Can you give some examples of what specifically you do to get a better feel for your work?

“Sure! Testing and improving our products really gives me a kick. To be more specific, we are essentially an internal inspection body which ensures that the components meet the most stringent requirements. In other words, we test things to check that the theory also works in practice. I pick up our components myself from time to time to engage in some hands-on work. This keeps me up to date on our products and our customers. With the work we do at the test center, my team and I assist the Development and Quality Assurance departments and are also in close contact with Claim Management so that we can analyze any problems that arise. And this calls for an experienced team which is flexible and can adapt to the circumstances to enable us to offer only the very best.”

FLOW4YOU - GEA Flow components

FLOW4YOU - Teamspirit

FLOW4YOU – Teamspirit! The people behind our hygienic valves, hygienic pumps, aseptic valves, and cleaners.
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