Dealing with the Challenges of Harvesting High-density Cell Cultures

The trend in the biotech industry is to increase the amount of product that is produced per batch. In order to achieve this target, manufacturers are increasing their packed cell volume (PCV) for eukaryotic-based processes from the traditional 5 to 7% to numbers as high as 20%.

This increase in cell concentration is a challenge to traditional cell harvesting technology due to the time constraint in which a batch needs to be harvested and the limitations on centrifugation technology. During this webinar GEA will review how they partnered with a global biotech company to address and overcome this challenge. GEA will also review the operation of traditional disk-stack centrifuges and describe how the latest concentrating machine designs work to handle high solids loads and provide the flexibility to meet today's needs.


Michael Rohr, Regional Manager - Biotech Separation

Andy Steppe, Regional Manager - Biotech Systems

Sean Eicher, Market Manager - Biotech Separation

Webinar recording

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