Corporate press release

GEA with improved EBITDA margin and strong free cash flow in third quarter; outlook for 2023 confirmed

08 Nov 2023

"The growth in the EBITDA margin, which has reached more than 15 percent for the first time in six years, is particularly positive. We also significantly increased our free cash flow."

- Stefan Klebert, CEO

"The strong cash generation this quarter is also particularly notable. We managed to convert virtually all of our EBITDA into free cash flow. The growth in ROCE is also impressive, reaching the highest level ever achieved by GEA."

- Bernd Brinker, CFO

Matthias Schnettler


Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0


GEA jest jednym z największych dostawców dla przemysłu przetwarzania żywności i wielu innych sektorów, w 2019 roku spółka wygenerowała skonsolidowane przychody na poziomie 4,9 miliarda euro.

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