Komunikaty prasowe

GEA partners with Unilever to improve sustainability on dairy farms

31 Aug 2023

Eric Soubeiran from Unilever and Peter Lauwers from GEA at Unilever’s headquarter in London

Eric Soubeiran, Managing Director - Climate and Nature Fund at Unilever (left), and Peter Lauwers, CEO of GEA Farm Technologies division, signed the contract at Unilever’s World Headquarters in London this week. (Source: GEA)

The GEA ProManure E2950 manure enricher pilot plant

The GEA ProManure E2950 manure enricher is a container-based solution and can easily be implemented into the farm’s infrastructure. (Source: GEA)

GEA ProManure E2950 manure enricher with its plasma technology

Innovative plasma technology enriches the manure with nitrogen from air. (Source: GEA)

Matthias Schnettler



Lilian Schmalenstroer

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0


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