Corporate press release

GEA wins MMK Award of Excellence for sustainability

6 Mar 2024

GEA has won the MMK Award of Excellence in the “Sustainability” category for the introduction of the Add Better ecolabel. This designates innovative GEA solutions that are significantly more resource-efficient than their predecessors.

The Munich Management Colloquium (Münchner Management Kolloquium; MMK) has awarded the prize for the first time for “Exemplary showcase projects for increasing sustainability” and for special achievements in the areas of innovative management approaches, artificial intelligence and start-ups.

GEA CEO Stefan Klebert and CSO Dr. Nadine Sterley receive MMK Award of Excellence

GEA CEO Stefan Klebert and CSO Dr. Nadine Sterley receive MMK Award of Excellence

“We are honored to be the first company to win an award in this category, which is of such great importance to us. On the one hand, it recognizes our achievements to date. And on the other, it spurs us on to continue developing innovative solutions for our customers that make a real impact when it comes to a more sustainable future,” said GEA CEO Stefan Klebert. 

GEA won over the jury with its consistent implementation approach around Add Better. This includes measures to develop sustainable and disruptive innovations, create new service solutions, extend system life cycles, and integrate sustainability criteria into the production development process in a standardized way. The resulting solutions are significantly more resource-efficient than their predecessors and bear the TÜV-validated “Add Better” ecolabel. Twenty products currently carry the Add Better label.

The annual Munich Management Colloquium is Germany’s largest business congress. For over 30 years now, top managers and C-level executives have been meeting in the Audimax of the Technical University of Munich to discuss the current challenges in the world of business. The focus of the MMK Award of Excellence is on best-practice solutions. These are intended to act as a nucleus for innovation in German and European industry.

"We are honored to be the first company to win an award in this category, which is of such great importance to us. On the one hand, it recognizes our achievements to date. And on the other, it spurs us on to continue developing innovative solutions for our customers that make a real impact when it comes to a more sustainable future."

Stefan Klebert


Matthias Schnettler


Phone: 49 162 34 63 734

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0


GEA jest jednym z największych dostawców dla przemysłu przetwarzania żywności i wielu innych sektorów, w 2019 roku spółka wygenerowała skonsolidowane przychody na poziomie 4,9 miliarda euro.

Ta międzynarodowa grupa technologiczna specjalizuje się w produkcji maszyn, instalacji oraz technologii i komponentów procesowych. GEA dostarcza zrównoważone rozwiązania energetyczne na potrzeby skomplikowanych procesów produkcji na różnych rynkach użytkownika końcowego oraz oferuje wszechstronne portfolio usług. Około 70 procent przychodów grupy pochodzi z sektora żywności oraz napojów i alkoholi, w którym obserwowany jest długoterminowy i zrównoważony wzrost. Zgodnie ze stanem na 31 grudnia 2018 roku firma zatrudnia na całym świecie około 18 500 osób. GEA jest liderem rynkowym i technologicznym w segmentach biznesowych, w których prowadzi działalność. Spółka jest notowana na niemieckim indeksie MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), indeksie STOXX® Europe 600 Index oraz wybranych indeksach MSCI Global Sustainability. Więcej informacji można uzyskać w witrynie
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