Local press

125 years GEA Separation – From machine manufacturer to integrated solution provider and global technology leader

28 Nov 2018

125 years of GEA Separation
Aerial photo GEA Separation Oelde

Two new production halls were built at GEA's Oelde site and optimization measures were carried out on existing halls. In addition, the site has its own energy supply from a newly constructed block-type thermal power station. (Source: GEA)

GEA Process Test Center (PTC)

GEA's Process Test Center (PTC) in Oelde is a proven partner for the customized development of new process engineering solutions and the optimization of existing processes. (Source: GEA)

European Parts Logistics Center (EPLC) in Cologne

GEA handles its worldwide spare parts logistics on its own – centrally from Oelde. The European Parts Logistics Center (EPLC) in Cologne went into operation in 2011. Further hubs exist in Singapore and the USA. (Source: GEA)

GEA marine Separator

The new GEA marine Separator with integrated direct drive sustainably increases efficiency on board. (Source: GEA)

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GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

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+49 211 9136-0


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