Komunikaty handlowe

GEA Delivers 10,000th Liquid Manure Spreader to PK Winter Farms

10 Dec 2018

GEA`s 10,000th liquid manure spreader unit

GEA`s 10,000th liquid manure spreader unit: EL48 8800 model with a capacity of 10,500 US gal. From left to right, Randy Gorter – Head of North America Manure Management Sales at GEA, Chris and Paul Winter - owners of PK Winter Farms Inc , Scott Shane - GEA Manure Management Sales Specialist and Jason Baumgarn – AWS Salesman. (Source: GEA)

GEA`s 10,000th liquid manure spreader unit

The day shift fabricating team at GEA’s manufacturing site in Drummondville, Canada (Source: GEA)

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GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

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+49 211 9136-0


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