Komunikaty handlowe

Evaporation plant in skid design for the preparation of a silver nitrate solution

22 Jul 2020

In May 2020 GEA received the second order for an evaporation plant for the treatment of silver nitrate from the production of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil from KD Pharma Group.

Drop down of the film evaporator when lifting into the building. (Photo: GEA)

Drop down of the film evaporator when lifting into the building. (Photo: GEA)

The first plant was successfully commissioned in autumn 2019 in Bexbach, Germany. There, high-quality omega-3 fatty acids are extracted from fish oil, which are used in the food supplement and food industry. In this special process a solution with approx. 11% dry matter (DM) of dissolved silver nitrate is concentrated to approx. 50% DM in the GEA falling film evaporation plant. The concentrated silver nitrate solution can be reused in the process. The plant with a feed capacity of 1,500 kg/h of silver nitrate solution operates in a vacuum at comparatively low temperatures, so that the concentration takes place gently and the concentrate can be discharged at 60°C. The plant operates in an energy-optimized way with heat recovery. The evaporated vapors are compressed in a mechanical compressor and thus raised to a higher temperature level so that they can be used to heat the plant. Since the customer has little space available, the evaporation plant was designed as a skid. It will be transported pre-assembled 8 months after receipt of order and will be final assembled mechanically and electrically on site. The second plant is almost identical in design to the first one and will start up in spring 2021 - only 9 months after order placement - at the Seal Sands (Middlesbrough) plant in England.

KD Pharma Group is the specialist for the production of pharmaceutical products and dietary supplements. One of KD Pharma Group's main focuses is the chromatographic separation of lipids: they are the only company in the world capable of commercially offering lipid and omega-3 concentrates in a purity of up to 99.5%. The natural, marine oils are mainly extracted from the liver of anchovies, sardines and cod. The oil is then processed in plants in Norway and Alaska. The high-purity, concentrated oils are produced in Germany and serve as the basis for capsules produced in the USA and liquid oils produced in Norway. The KD Pharma Group distinguishes itself as a globally operating expert.

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GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

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+49 211 9136-0


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