Komunikaty handlowe

GEA technologies for high-quality milk lactoferrin processing

16 Dec 2020

Specialists at the GEA Test Center in Denmark configure the key drying steps and provide samples for activity studies that help identify the optimum spray drying or freeze-drying conditions for generating lactoferrin powder with the desired characteristics. (Photo: GEA)

Specialists at the GEA Test Center in Denmark configure the key drying steps and provide samples for activity studies that help identify the optimum spray drying or freeze-drying conditions for generating lactoferrin powder with the desired characteristics. (Photo: GEA)

Spray dried Lactoferrin (Photo: GEA, James Bates Photography)

Spray dried Lactoferrin (Photo: GEA, James Bates Photography)

Lactoferrin powder processing with GEA technology (Fig. GEA)

Lactoferrin powder processing with GEA technology (Fig. GEA)

The nutritional and potential health-related benefits of lactoferrin have led to its increased usage as an ingredient or additive in a wide range of applications, including infant formula, sports and clinical nutrition products, in supplements, yoghurts, as well as personal care and cosmetic products. (Fig. GEA)

The nutritional and potential health-related benefits of lactoferrin have led to its increased usage as an ingredient or additive in a wide range of applications, including infant formula, sports and clinical nutrition products, in supplements, yoghurts, as well as personal care and cosmetic products. (Fig. GEA)

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