Komunikaty handlowe

GEA and Better Juice put lower-sugar fruit drink innovation into commercial production

13 Dec 2021

Low-sugar nutrition is one of the dominant themes in the food industry today. Better Juice and GEA present a solution for the fruit juice industry. Photo: GEA/Tim Luhmann

Low-sugar nutrition is one of the dominant themes in the food industry today. Better Juice and GEA present a solution for the fruit juice industry. Photo: GEA/Tim Luhmann

(from left to right) Eran Blachinsky, Gali Yarom (both founder and CEO, Better Juice) and Franz-Josef Helms (Project Director Non-Alcoholic Beverages, GEA) successfully tested the sugar-reducing technology in the GEA Test Center, Ahaus, Germany, before it is going to be shipped to the USA. The first plant is scheduled to start up there in early 2022. Photo: GEA/Better Juice

(from left to right) Eran Blachinsky, Gali Yarom (both founder and CEO, Better Juice) and Franz-Josef Helms (Project Director Non-Alcoholic Beverages, GEA) successfully tested the sugar-reducing technology in the GEA Test Center, Ahaus, Germany, before it is going to be shipped to the USA. The first plant is scheduled to start up there in early 2022. Photo: GEA/Better Juice


Fanny Förster

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

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+49 211 9136-0


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