Komunikaty handlowe

Reducing fresh fruit juice sugar naturally: GEA and Better Juice break new ground

12 Feb 2021

Reducing the amount of sugar in our diets is one of the dominant themes in the food industry today. Better Juice and GEA have joined forces to help beverage manufacturers produce lower-sugar fruit juice. Image: GEA/Tim Luhmann

Reducing the amount of sugar in our diets is one of the dominant themes in the food industry today. Better Juice and GEA have joined forces to help beverage manufacturers produce lower-sugar fruit juice. Image: GEA/Tim Luhmann

Immobilized, non-GMO microorganisms are contained in a type of fixed bed through which the juice passes. They feed on the juice and the enzymes within the microorganisms, converting the sugar into dietary fiber. GEA is to develop, construct and put into operation a bioreactor skid for the enzymatic sugar-reduction process. Image: Better Juice

Immobilized, non-GMO microorganisms are contained in a type of fixed bed through which the juice passes. They feed on the juice and the enzymes within the microorganisms, converting the sugar into dietary fiber. GEA is to develop, construct and put into operation a bioreactor skid for the enzymatic sugar-reduction process. Image: Better Juice

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GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

Labelling of end product received by Better Juice’s enzymatic process


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