Komunikaty handlowe

How smart solutions contribute to a sustainable dairy farm and happier cows

16 Jun 2021

In the first episode of the Dairy Farming Insights, our new LIVE talk series from GEA about the trending topics of tomorrows dairy farming, we discussed with our experts the topic of Precision Farming and how smart solutions contribute to a successful dairy farm and happier cows.

What should an optimal herd and farm management provide and how can it support dairy farms in terms of sustainability? What technologies can we use to increase animal welfare and perhaps even eliminate the use of antibiotics completely in the future?

Watch the LIVE interview with Dr. Beate Maassen-Francke, product manager for herd and farm management software at GEA, and Dr. Ute Müller from the Institute of Animal Science at the University of Bonn, - and find out!

(Apologies at this point for the bad tone connection during the first minute – fortunately it only affects the introduction.)

Do you have questions about the topic or are you interested in the new GEA DairyNet software or the AutoDry project? Then please feel free to contact me!


Lilian Schmalenstroer

Phone: 49 211 91362090

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0


GEA jest jednym z największych dostawców dla przemysłu przetwarzania żywności i wielu innych sektorów, w 2019 roku spółka wygenerowała skonsolidowane przychody na poziomie 4,9 miliarda euro.

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