Trade press information

GEA is a strategic partner in producing meat-free products

19 Oct 2021

Consumers prefer meat alternatives that mimic the meat product they are used to. GEA provides the entire technology portfolio and know-how, from extracting protein from plant material and processing the mixture of high-quality ingredients. (Photo: GEA)

Consumers prefer meat alternatives that mimic the meat product they are used to. GEA provides the entire technology portfolio and know-how, from extracting protein from plant material and processing the mixture of high-quality ingredients. (Photo: GEA)

Meat replacement patty for veggie burger: The step into the meet-free market succeeds with state-of-the art process technology and know-how about texture and combination of the right ingredients. (Photo: GEA)

Meat replacement patty for veggie burger: The step into the meet-free market succeeds with state-of-the art process technology and know-how about texture and combination of the right ingredients. (Photo: GEA)

Meat replacements which mimics chicken nuggets. GEA is a strategic partner to the food industry and develops together with its customers individual meat-free products and creates integrated process solutions that perfectly fit to the processing needs. (Photo: GEA)

Meat replacements which mimics chicken nuggets. GEA is a strategic partner to the food industry and develops together with its customers individual meat-free products and creates integrated process solutions that perfectly fit to the processing needs. (Photo: GEA)

Nicole Meierotto


Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0


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