Trade press information

25 years of GEA centrifugal bilge water treatment – success story continues after more than 1,000 plants installed with new GEA bilge Separator

07 Sep 2021

GEA launches GEA bilge Separator, a new generation of separators with integrated direct drive. (Photo: GEA)

GEA launches GEA bilge Separator, a new generation of separators with integrated direct drive. (Photo: GEA)

The photo shows a first-generation GEA BilgeMaster. (Photo: GEA)

The photo shows a first-generation GEA BilgeMaster. (Photo: GEA)


Dr. Michael Golek

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0


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