Komunikaty handlowe

New design for GEA Scan-Vibro Sifter focuses on alternative foods

14 Apr 2022

The new GEA Scan-Vibro Sifter SRW is designed specifically for dewatering products such as spent grain or yeast from breweries, tea leaves or coffee grains from beverage plants and even insect larvae, increasingly used as a source of valuable proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Source: GEA, Peter Baastrup

The new GEA Scan-Vibro Sifter SRW is designed specifically for dewatering products such as spent grain or yeast from breweries, tea leaves or coffee grains from beverage plants and even insect larvae, increasingly used as a source of valuable proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Source: GEA, Peter Baastrup

Nicole Meierotto


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GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

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