Komunikaty handlowe

GEA heat recovery system helps Britvic reduce its carbon footprint

21 Aug 2023

Photo 1: At its Beckton site, Britvic produces 2,000 drinks every minute, including many of the UK's most popular beverages such as Robinsons, Tango and Pepsi MAX. GEA is supplying two industrial ammonia heat pumps and a large thermal storage tank. Image: Britvic

At its Beckton site, Britvic produces 2,000 drinks every minute, including many of the UK's most popular beverages such as Robinsons, Tango and Pepsi MAX. GEA is supplying two industrial ammonia heat pumps and a large thermal storage tank. Image: Britvic

Photo 2: Existing refrigeration plant room at Britvic with three GEA BluAstrum chillers. Their waste heat will also feed the new heat pumps. Image: GEA

Existing refrigeration plant room at Britvic with three GEA BluAstrum chillers. Their waste heat will also feed the new heat pumps. Image: GEA

Photo 3: GEA RedGenium heat pumps are used for industrial applications where process heat is required for local supply or district heating networks. Image: GEA

GEA RedGenium heat pumps are used for industrial applications where process heat is required for local supply or district heating networks. Image: GEA


Dr. Michael Golek


GEA jest jednym z największych dostawców dla przemysłu przetwarzania żywności i wielu innych sektorów, w 2019 roku spółka wygenerowała skonsolidowane przychody na poziomie 4,9 miliarda euro.

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