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New GEA control top generation provides explosion protection for food producers

03 Apr 2023

GEA T.VIS E-20 for potentially explosive production environments
Image 1: GEA T.VIS E-20 Control top

GEA completes the T.VIS® control top series with a version for potentially explosive processes: GEA T.VIS E-20 has all major approvals for use in potentially explosive atmospheres worldwide. Source: GEA

Image 2: GEA T.VIS E-20 Control top - LED status indication

Ex-compliant status indication: GEA T.VIS E-20 uses LEDs with limited ignition energy that glow like a star in the hood of the control top. The green light indicates the active position. Source: GEA

Image 3: Valve block with T.VIS® E-20 Control tops

The shock resistance of the GEA T.VIS E-20 has more than doubled to 10 g. Source: GEA


Fanny Förster


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