Trade press release

Second generation of the GEA Grasso V series sets new standards for industrial cooling solutions

October 8, 2024

With the second generation of the GEA Grasso V series, GEA presents new piston compressor units for industrial cooling solutions at Chillventa 2024 in Nuremberg. The GEA Grasso V 2nd generation is available as a single-stage and two-stage series with a delivery volume of 218 to 1,991 m³⁄ h. The advantages of the 2nd generation compressors are their more robust design, smaller footprint and larger areas of application in the field of industrial cooling. On the cost side, the up to 25 percent lower maintenance costs combined with up to 25% more capacity will seriously reduce the total cost of ownership are important plus points.

With the second generation of the GEA Grasso V series, GEA presented the next step of reciprocating compressor units for industrial cooling solutions at Chillventa 2024 in Nuremberg. (Photo: GEA)

With the second generation of the GEA Grasso V series, GEA presented the next step of reciprocating compressor units for industrial cooling solutions at Chillventa 2024 in Nuremberg. (Photo: GEA)

The single-stage piston compressor units of the GEA Grasso V series are each available in seven sizes with different V-belts and direct drives in a capacity range from 150 to 900 kW. The two-stage piston compressor units are also available in seven sizes each with different V-belts and direct drives in a capacity range from 50 to 300 kW. Highly efficient and compact intercoolers are available for the two-stage reciprocating compressor units.

Also the GEA Grasso V HP reciprocating heat pump compressor, suitable for condensing temperatures up to 72°C, will be upgraded to the new Generation. The new bearing technology will allow that this compressor is also suitable for the standard refrigeration oil used in cooling plants. This can simplify the oil return system of the complete refrigeration plant.

Reduced maintenance costs lower total cost of ownership

Up to 25 percent lower maintenance costs without compromising on reliability - how is that possible? One reason is the electronically controlled, extended and flexible maintenance intervals. The required maintenance intervals are automatically displayed via the GEA maintenance monitor and GEA Omni. Another reason for extended maintenance intervals are improved materials, an optimized design and fewer parts.

Due to the extremely low oil carryover, the oil separator is often omitted to save costs and space in the engine room.

Background information

Performance features of the GEA Grasso V series
  • Unique welded compressor housing for outstanding temperature separation and low oil carry-over.
  • No cylinder head cooling required 
  • Electronically controlled service intervals – constantly and flexibly with the Grasso Maintenance Monitor
  • Heavy-duty axial rolling bearings
  • Overflow valve independent of back pressure
  • Step-by-step power control per cylinder
  • Suitable for speed control
  • Cutting-edge technology for high efficiency and long valve service life
  • Low noise level
  • Unsurpassed low total cost of ownership
  • Refrigerant: NH₃
Structural properties
  • Flexible and extended maintenance intervals
  • Very low operating costs
  • Extremely low oil carryover
  • For rigid or spring/damper mounting
  • Latest V-belt technology

Dr. Michael Golek


Phone: +49 211 9136 1505


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Ta międzynarodowa grupa technologiczna specjalizuje się w produkcji maszyn, instalacji oraz technologii i komponentów procesowych. GEA dostarcza zrównoważone rozwiązania energetyczne na potrzeby skomplikowanych procesów produkcji na różnych rynkach użytkownika końcowego oraz oferuje wszechstronne portfolio usług. Około 70 procent przychodów grupy pochodzi z sektora żywności oraz napojów i alkoholi, w którym obserwowany jest długoterminowy i zrównoważony wzrost. Zgodnie ze stanem na 31 grudnia 2018 roku firma zatrudnia na całym świecie około 18 500 osób. GEA jest liderem rynkowym i technologicznym w segmentach biznesowych, w których prowadzi działalność. Spółka jest notowana na niemieckim indeksie MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), indeksie STOXX® Europe 600 Index oraz wybranych indeksach MSCI Global Sustainability. Więcej informacji można uzyskać w witrynie
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