Trade press release

GEA developed new service of preassembled modules for quicker installation of ovens at customers plant – GEA Bakery Plug&Play

May 22, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of the bakery industry efficiency and speed represent a fundamental shift in how bakers approach their production process. To assist customers in overcoming complexities in the installation process, hence reducing downtime, GEA has been offering the possibility of preassembling modules at the production facility in Verona, Italy.

“The aim of plug & play ovens is to speed up the installation process, in order to reduce production downtime at the customer facility” says Mario Da Ros - Senior Director Project Management at GEA. “Preassembled ovens are a great way to ensure a high-quality installation phase of our ovens, given that it is mainly carried out at our own facility” he continues.

Highly efficient installation time of bakery ovens and reduced production downtime are the main benefits of the production process are the main advantages of GEA’s new Bakery Plug&Play module service. Source: GEA

Highly efficient installation time of bakery ovens and reduced production downtime are the main benefits of the production process are the main advantages of GEA’s new Bakery Plug&Play module service. Source: GEA

GEA engineers develop time efficient solution

At the beginning of the project to create a Plug-and-Play-Service, the GEA engineers carried out a theoretical study on a 65 m long and 1.2 m wide oven. Considering that there are many factors in place such as conveyor belt, fuel and heating system used, a good estimate of the time needed to install the disassembled oven is around 45 days. With the Plug-and-Play option it is now possible to reduce the installation time to as little as 20 days. This study looked at both the mechanical assembly and electrical connections but did not include commissioning.

The impressive benefits of this new plug-and-play option were recently demonstrated during the installation of a very large oven for an overseas customer. Gianluca Dolci - Senior Director Project Execution at GEA reports: “In December 2023 we delivered a 124 m long and 1.6 m wide oven to Indonesia. We managed to display all 58 pre-assembled modules in five days, which meant that GEA electricians could start working on the oven at the customer’s site at the same time as GEA mechanics, a huge advantage that guarantees a much faster installation”. In this case, the 124 m oven took four weeks instead of eight thanks to the pre-assembled modules.

Lower costs for the baker

With Plug & Play ovens, significantly reduce labor costs: the total number of people working on the line is reduced, both for mechanics and electricians. In particular, the need for highly specialized personnel is no longer fundamental, as the most complex operations are carried out during the pre-assembly of the modules at GEA’s production site.

Increased safety standards

By installing Plug-and-Play ovens, the baker no longer comes into contact with the rock wool used to insulate the baking chamber. This is a very important aspect in terms of safety for the operators and it also guarantees lower costs for the producers because the workers need less personal protective equipment. Furthermore, without rock wool management, it is no longer necessary to isolate the production environment to avoid the risk of contamination with other production lines in operation during the installation process.

Nicole Meierotto


Phone: 49 211 9136 1503


GEA jest jednym z największych dostawców dla przemysłu przetwarzania żywności i wielu innych sektorów, w 2019 roku spółka wygenerowała skonsolidowane przychody na poziomie 4,9 miliarda euro.

Ta międzynarodowa grupa technologiczna specjalizuje się w produkcji maszyn, instalacji oraz technologii i komponentów procesowych. GEA dostarcza zrównoważone rozwiązania energetyczne na potrzeby skomplikowanych procesów produkcji na różnych rynkach użytkownika końcowego oraz oferuje wszechstronne portfolio usług. Około 70 procent przychodów grupy pochodzi z sektora żywności oraz napojów i alkoholi, w którym obserwowany jest długoterminowy i zrównoważony wzrost. Zgodnie ze stanem na 31 grudnia 2018 roku firma zatrudnia na całym świecie około 18 500 osób. GEA jest liderem rynkowym i technologicznym w segmentach biznesowych, w których prowadzi działalność. Spółka jest notowana na niemieckim indeksie MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), indeksie STOXX® Europe 600 Index oraz wybranych indeksach MSCI Global Sustainability. Więcej informacji można uzyskać w witrynie
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