Trade press release

GEA at IFAT in Munich: Presentation of resource-efficient decanter centrifuges and digital real-time monitoring for wastewater treatment plants, GEA Intellicant®

April 09, 2024

GEA presents decanters for sludge treatment at the world's leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management (IFAT) from May 13 to 17, 2024. (Photo: GEA)

GEA presents decanters for sludge treatment at the world's leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management (IFAT) from May 13 to 17, 2024. (Photo: GEA)

How the digital real-time monitoring system for wastewater treatment plants, GEA Intellicant®, works. GEA presents the system at IFAT 2024 in Munich. (Graphic: GEA)

How the digital real-time monitoring system for wastewater treatment plants, GEA Intellicant®, works. GEA presents the system at IFAT 2024 in Munich. (Graphic: GEA)

Dr. Michael Golek



GEA jest jednym z największych dostawców dla przemysłu przetwarzania żywności i wielu innych sektorów, w 2019 roku spółka wygenerowała skonsolidowane przychody na poziomie 4,9 miliarda euro.

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