Trade press release

GEA invests EUR 18 million in technology center for alternative proteins in the USA

February 14, 2024

The new food innovation center on the GEA Campus in Janesville, USA, will be used to evaluate processes for the production of new food on a transferable pilot scale as well as to test production using cell cultures and microbial fermentation in conjunction with upstream and downstream process steps. The 10,000 square-meter facility will be housed in an extension to the existing GEA building. Source: GEA
New food customer Imagindairy, Israel, uses precision fermentation to produce milk proteins that have the same taste, functionality, mouthfeel and nutritional value as milk. Source: Panna Cotta, Imagindairy/Ilya Melinkov

New food customer Imagindairy, Israel, uses precision fermentation to produce milk proteins that have the same taste, functionality, mouthfeel and nutritional value as milk. Source: Panna Cotta, Imagindairy/Ilya Melinkov

In June 2023, GEA inaugurated its New Food technology center in Hildesheim, Germany, as a development center for a more sustainable food industry. Source: GEA/Mike Henning

In June 2023, GEA inaugurated its New Food technology center in Hildesheim, Germany, as a development center for a more sustainable food industry. Source: GEA/Mike Henning


Fanny Förster



GEA jest jednym z największych dostawców dla przemysłu przetwarzania żywności i wielu innych sektorów, w 2019 roku spółka wygenerowała skonsolidowane przychody na poziomie 4,9 miliarda euro.

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